Frequently Asked Question

How to add email signature?
Last Updated 5 months ago


  1. Go to gmail and login: link
  2. click on the gear icon on the top left corner of gmail Gear icon.png
  3. Click the "See All Settings" button See All Settings.png
  4. Scroll down until you see signatures, like the image below Signature.png
  5. Press create new and name your signature, you can have multiple signatures with any name.
  6. If you don't have a signature yet and need one, continue to follow the instructions.  If already have the default signature, please add your own custom signature and save (the last step).
  7. Go to this link:
  8. Edit a signature according to your company. Ex: mmtheatres uses the mmtheatres signature
    • Change
      1. name
      2. Job Title
      3. Contact Number / cellphone
      4. work number
      5. email
  9. Copy the edited signature and paste it into the signature box in gmail
  10. Choose you default signature
  11. Finally, Scroll to the bottom and save

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